Solutions Solutions for you


DDoS testing

Using our own tools to generate valid and invalid traffic, we can easily test the effectiveness and performance of your DDoS-type security protection. Tests can take place on our test network (lab) or in real environment with customer approval. For these tests, we use our own powerful traffic generators (for specifications, see the table below). Layer 4–7 test are performed according to the specific case, up to a total capacity of cca 40Gbit/s within the chosen simulation. Thanks to this we have the ability to perfectly check stability and network performance in extreme situations. Tests are commited with up to 40 test probes, i.e. ¼ of the total traffic generation capacity listed below.

Our test platform provides safety simulations during stress testing, at the same time, as measuring impact on the quality / latency of target systems or networks. The test platform is built from both commodity-value HW (supermicro servers) and x86-based AMD / Intel processor platforms with extreme editions and features a special acceleration and graphics card. For simulating, for example, attacks using hashing function (HashCat). As part of our production implementation, we use test platforms such as x86 tools on Linux / BSD platforms, and for generating additional ballast loads on Mikrotik systems (BTtest), including the possibility of installing ballast mirrors directly in the production or testing environment of the customer.

HTTP Flood (hits/usr/ip) 85 000 000 / 350 000/ 8000
HTTPS Flood (hits/usr/ip) 65 000 000 / 205 000 / 8000
HTTP Bandwidth (download/upload) 80 Gbps/80 Gbps
HTTPS Bandwidth (download/upload) 60 Gbps/40 Gbps
HTTP SlowLoris 2 000 000 pkt/s / 20Gb/s
UPD Flood (náhodný, nelze vzdáleně) 120 000 000 pkts/s / 80Gpbs
UDP DNS (regulární dotazy) 45 000 000 / 60Gbps
ICMP Flood (nelze vzdáleně) 140 000 000 pkt/s / 120Gbps
SYN Flood attack 8 000 000 pkt/s / 20Gbps
Ping of death / TCP shake 80 000 000 pkt/s / 60Gbps
POP3/IMAP/SMTP/FTP­/SSH Harvesting 800 000 req/s
POP3/IMAP/SMTP/FTP­/SSH ConFlood 6 000 000 conec­tions /s

Used server equipment

Brno (T-Mobile)

Brno (Master Internet)
Master DataCentrum

Prague (O2 Czech Republic)

Prague (VS Hosting)
VS Hosting

Prague (Coolhousing)

Shared infrastructure

OVH Canada (BHS 5)
OVH Datacentrum

OVH France (SBG 2, RBX 6, GRA 1)
OVH Datacentrum

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