Solutions Solutions for you


Disaster recovery

Nowadays, when companies are fully dependent on their own digital infrastructure, it becomes necessary to ensure their data and their operational continuity. The elaborated, verified and functional methodology of recovery of operations in case of emergencies is a cheaper option than a failure of operations in which there is a risk of financial or data loss.

Leave it to us

We will identify your company's data assets, including operational and data risks, with an analysis of the cost impact in case of loss. We will prepare a proposal for the necessary measures and ensure the elaboration of the relevant in-house methodologies and guidelines together with control procedures, which include setting up processes of continuous risk monitoring.

Our experts will help you

With the implementation of risk management data protection and recovery operations. With the choice of the right dissaster recovery strategy. They will carry out an in-depth needs analysis and develop a recovery plan methodology. At the same time, they will provide your own implementation or supervision as a part of the periodic preparedness checks and validation procedures of the recovery plan and data retention.

Are you currently solving the problems described above or related issues? We will be happy to advise you and help you find the right solution.

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